Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services Overview
Talbot Health Services offers comprehensive mental health services including Psychiatry & Medication Management. Some of our mental health services are offered in the community and designed specifically to help individuals with unique behavioral needs and are intended to restore client skills and abilities essential for independent living.
Our mental health services help client's with daily medication use, independent living and social skills training, housing service, prevocational and transitional employment rehabilitation training, social support, and network enhancement.
Our Mental Health Services Include:
- Psychiatry Services
- Medication Management
- Case Management Services
- Psychotherapy
- Transitional Living
Case Management Services
What are Case Management Services?
Case Management services are to assist client in accessing community resources by advocating and linking them to resources, so that client's Basic needs can be met. Assist client in utilizing new coping skills that have been identified by the therapist so that they may integrate them into everyday behavior and life activities. Assist client to restore skills and abilities in order to improve daily functioning. Assist client so they can become self-sufficient. Case Management services are time limited services with specific goals that promote self-sufficiency getting the client used to doing things for themselves.

At Talbot we have different Case Management Services in order to meet client’s needs, they are as follows:
Level l-intensive(2-3 home visits a week)

Criteria: Client lacks basic needs (housing, food, safety) involved with multiple agencies, not linked to treatment (off meds), no support system, multiple health issues impacting stability.
Requirements: Client must desire to participate in service (meaning they MUST keep appointments) must have identified goals, clear understanding they will expected to do the work (nothing will be provided to them). Must make progress toward goals, will be reviewed every 3 months.
Level ll-traditional (2 home visits a month)

Criteria: Client basic needs are met, needs to address educational/employment goals, involved with one or more community agency, active in MH health treatment, addressing daily living skills (budgeting, hygiene, housekeeping).
Requirements: Client must keep appointments with case managers, 3 consecutive no-show is cause for being discharged from services. Must be able to identify specific goals and work toward them. Must make progress toward goals, will be reviewed every 3 months.
Level lll-non-intensive 1 home visit a month (not yet available)

Criteria: Client is stable but due to MH Diagnosis or Cognitive functioning will need ongoing monitoring to ensure stability.
Requirements: Must remain in treatment with Talbot (Therapy/ Med Services), if client's needs increase, they will be transferred to appropriate intensity level.

Adult Transitional Living (ATP)
Program length up to 18 months
What is ATP?
It is an independent Living Program that serves the client holistically in order to assist client transition into Adulthood.
Requirements: Must make progress towards goal, will be reviewed every 3 months